XML Tag Definitions
Plural runbooks are written in XML. XML doesn’t have a predefined markup language, like HTML does. Instead, XML allows users to create their own markup symbols to describe content, making an unlimited and self-defining symbol set.
We have defined the following xml attributes in an Elixir file that may be used in the creation of your own runbooks and help standardize their layout.
defmodule Console.Runbooks.Display do use Console.Runbooks.Display.Base alias Console.Runbooks.Display.{Xml} schema do component "box" do attributes ~w(direction width height pad margin align justify gap fill color border borderSide borderSize) parents ~w(root box) end component "text" do attributes ~w(size weight value color) parents ~w(box text root link) end component "markdown" do attributes ~w(size weight value) parents ~w(box text root) end component "button" do attributes ~w(primary label href target action headline) parents ~w(box) end component "input" do attributes ~w(placeholder name label datatype) parents ~w(box) end component "timeseries" do attributes ~w(label datasource) parents ~w(box) end component "valueFrom" do attributes ~w(datasource path doc) parents ~w(input text) end component "image" do attributes ~w(width height url) parents ~w(box link) end component "video" do attributes ~w(width height url autoPlay loop) parents ~w(box link) end component "link" do attributes ~w(href target value color weight) parents ~w(text box) end component "table" do attributes ~w(name width height datasource path) parents ~w(box) end component "tableColumn" do attributes ~w(path header width) parents ~w(table) end end def parse_doc(xml) do with {:ok, parsed} <- Xml.from_xml(xml) do case validate(parsed) do :pass -> {:ok, parsed} {:fail, error} -> {:error, error} end end end end
Most of these attributes, like box
and input
are basically grommet React components. However, we would like to call out a few custom attributes that interact with other data from the runbook. They each refer to a datasource and then maybe also a way to access a value at that datasource.
Here is an example Runbook XML template composed of these attributes.
<root gap='medium'> <box pad='small' gap='medium' direction='row' align='center'> <button label='Scale' action='scale' primary='true' headline='true' /> <box direction='row' align='center' gap='small'> <box gap='small' align='center'> <timeseries datasource="cpu" label="CPU Usage" /> <text size='small'>You should set a reservation to roughly correspond to 30% utilization</text> </box> <box gap='small' align='center'> <timeseries datasource="memory" label="Memory Usage" /> <text size='small'>You should set a reservation to roughly correspond to 60% utilization</text> </box> </box> <box gap='small'> <box gap='xsmall'> <input placeholder="250m" label='CPU Request' name='cpu'> <valueFrom datasource="statefulset" doc="kubernetes.raw" path="spec.template.spec.containers[0].resources.requests.cpu" /> </input> <input placeholder="1Gi" label='Memory Request' name='memory'> <valueFrom datasource="statefulset" doc="kubernetes.raw" path="spec.template.spec.containers[0].resources.requests.memory" /> </input> </box> </box> </box> <box pad='small' gap='medium' direction='row' align='center'> <box direction='row' width='70%' align='center'> <text size='small'>You can also add more replicas to provide failover in case of outages, or optionally remove them to save cost</text> </box> <box direction='row' gap='small' width='30%' align='center'> <input datatype='int' placeholder="1" label='Replicas' name='replicas'> <valueFrom datasource="statefulset" doc="kubernetes.raw" path="spec.replicas" /> </input> </box> </box> <box width='100%' gap='small'> <text size='small'>Be sure to scale your rabbitmq nodes within your nodes capacities, listed here:</text> <table width='100%' datasource='nodes' path='nodes'> <tableColumn path='metadata.name' header='name' width='33%' /> <tableColumn path='status.capacity.cpu' header='cpu' width='33%' /> <tableColumn path='status.capacity.memory' header='memory' width='33%' /> </table> </box> </root>
This XML file is referred to in the runbooks.yaml
file, where you will also pass along the datasources that will hydrate this template.