Dashboards are the source of truth for the Dashboards section in plural. They're very similar in structure to grafana dashboards, and you can actually scaffold them from existing grafana dashboards using the plural from-grafana
apiVersion: platform.plural.sh/v1alpha1 kind: Dashboard metadata: name: dashboard-name spec: name: postgres # name of the dashboard in the console UI description: Monitoring for hasura's postgres db # short description timeslices: [30m, 1h, 2h, 1d] # durations options to allow display for defaultTime: 30m labels: # global values to slice the dashboard further - name: instance query: query: pg_stat_database_tup_fetched{namespace="{{ .Release.Namespace }}"} label: instance graphs: - queries: # list of grouped prometheus queries per graph - query: SUM(pg_stat_database_tup_fetched{instance=~"$instance"}) legend: tuples fetched - query: SUM(pg_stat_database_tup_inserted{instance=~"$instance"}) legend: tuples inserted - query: SUM(pg_stat_database_tup_updated{instance=~"$instance"}) legend: tuples updated name: Storage Performance - queries: - query: pg_settings_max_connections{instance="$instance"} legend: connections name: Max Connections - queries: - query: avg(rate(process_cpu_seconds_total{instance="$instance"}[5m]) * 1000) legend: seconds name: CPU time - queries: - query: avg(rate(process_resident_memory_bytes{instance="$instance"}[5m])) legend: resident mem - query: avg(rate(process_virtual_memory_bytes{instance="$instance"}[5m])) legend: process mem format: bytes name: Memory utilization - queries: - query: process_open_fds{instance="$instance"} legend: fds name: Open file descriptors - queries: - query: pg_settings_max_wal_size_bytes{instance="$instance"} legend: WAL size name: Max WAL size - queries: - query: irate(pg_stat_database_xact_commit{instance="$instance"}[5m]) legend: commits - query: irate(pg_stat_database_xact_rollback{instance="$instance"}[5m]) legend: rollbacks name: Transactions - queries: - query: pg_stat_database_blks_hit{instance="$instance"} / (pg_stat_database_blks_read{instance="$instance"} + pg_stat_database_blks_hit{instance="$instance"}) legend: hit rate name: Cache hit rate
Runbooks are dynamically generated web interfaces to provide guided experiences for operational interactions within Plural. A common one that's needed is managing the database for an application, shown here, but they're meant to be adaptable to a wide array of operational use-cases. The api is also naturally extensible if other datasources are needed.
apiVersion: platform.plural.sh/v1alpha1 kind: Runbook metadata: name: db-scaling labels: platform.plural.sh/pinned: 'true' # whether this runbook should be on the homepage spec: name: Postgres Scaling description: overview of how to accurately scale hasura's postgres instance alerts: # Alertmanager alerts to bind to this runbook - name: HasuraPostgresCPU - name: HasuraPostgresMEM display: |- # xml template for the layout of the runbook {{ .Files.Get "runbooks/db-scaling.xml" | indent 4 }} datasources: # list of datasources to hydrate the runbook - name: cpu type: prometheus # prometheus query datasource prometheus: format: cpu legend: $pod query: sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{namespace="{{ .Release.Namespace }}",pod=~"plural-hasura-[0-9]+"}[5m])) by (pod) - name: memory type: prometheus prometheus: format: memory legend: $pod query: sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{namespace="{{ .Release.Namespace }}",pod=~"plural-hasura-[0-9]+"}) by (pod) - name: statefulset type: kubernetes # kubernetes api call kubernetes: resource: statefulset name: plural-hasura - name: volume type: prometheus prometheus: format: none legend: $persistentvolumeclaim query: (kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytes{namespace="{{ .Release.Namespace }}", persistentvolumeclaim=~"pgdata-plural-hasura-.*"} - kubelet_volume_stats_available_bytes{namespace="{{ .Release.Namespace }}", persistentvolumeclaim=~"pgdata-plural-hasura-.*"}) / kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytes{namespace="{{ .Release.Namespace }}", persistentvolumeclaim=~"pgdata-plural-hasura-.*"} - name: nodes type: nodes # nodes api call actions: # actions to perform on form submits - name: scale action: config redirectTo: '/' configuration: updates: # path update into helm values - path: - hasura - postgres - resources - requests - cpu valueFrom: cpu - path: - hasura - postgres - resources - requests - memory valueFrom: memory - path: - hasura - postgres - replicas valueFrom: replicas - path: - hasura - postgres - storage - size valueFrom: volume
These drive the plural proxy connect
command, and can be used to establish local connections to databases or private web interfaces running in your cluster.
apiVersion: platform.plural.sh/v1alpha1 kind: Proxy metadata: name: db spec: type: db # establishes a db shell target: service/hasura-master credentials: secret: hasura.plural-hasura.credentials.postgresql.acid.zalan.do key: password user: hasura dbConfig: name: hasura engine: postgres port: 5432
These drive form fields which can customize applications in the console's Configuration section. At the moment they resolve to a helm values update according to a yaml path.
{{- define "nocodb.config-overlay" -}} apiVersion: platform.plural.sh/v1alpha1 kind: ConfigurationOverlay metadata: name: my-overlay spec: name: Airflow Registry documentation: docker repository to use for airflow (default is dkr.plural.sh/airflow/apache/airflow) updates: # a helm path update fo - path: ['airflow', 'airflow', 'airflow', 'image', 'repository']