Git Errors
Could not compare workspace to origin
Failed to get git information: Could not compare current workspace to origin, do you have an 'origin' remote configured, or does your repo not have an inital commit?
This error either means you cannot push information to Git, or you do not have a remote branch set up to track your local one. Make sure you've added your SSH keys to Github and verify that your origin is set by running git remote -v
Out of date
Your local workspace is not in sync with remote, either 'git pull' recent changes or 'git push' any missed changes.
This error can happen if you're ahead of or behind your remote by a few commits, so try git push
if git pull
does not resolve the issue.
Cloud Errors
Google Credentials
You don't have necessary services enabled. Please run: 'gcloud services enable' with an owner of the project to enable or enable them in the GCP console.
Ensure that you've run the gcloud command in the correct project, and make sure you have owner rights.
AWS Credentials
Failed to get aws account (is your aws cli configured?)
Ensure your AWS CLI is set up, that you have the correct profile chosen, and that you're authenticated in to AWS. If necessary, run export AWS_PROFILE=<profile-name>
in the terminal you are running Plural in and auth in with aws sso login
IAM policy update 403 permission denied
You will see permission errors if your Cloud account does not have permissions to create the IAM roles needed by Plural. Apply the correct permissions to the user account that Plural is deploying as.
Requested project not found
Error 404: The requested project was not found., notFound
If you are running plural build
and encounter a project requested not found
error it's possible that your application default credential is set to the wrong gcp project. Run:
gcloud auth application-default login
to reset the credential and reauthorize the browser for the correct project.
Initialization Errors
Workspace Initialization
Your workspace hasn't been configured, try running 'plural init'
Could not find workspace.yaml file, you might need to run 'plural init'
Base cloud provider setup for a Plural repository is stored in your workspace.yaml file. This should be created when running plural init
Kubconfig missing
2022/12/19 16:56:24 stat /home/plural/.kube/config: no such file or directory
This will happen because for whatever reason your kubeconfig is not available locally. This will occasionally happen if your cloud shell pod was recently recreated, if you're using a new laptop, or if the file was deleted/expired accidentally. To fix, run:
plural wkspace kube-init
in your repo and we'll generate a new one for you.
Deployment Errors
Invalid apiVersion for K8s
error: exec plugin: invalid apiVersion "" error: exec plugin: invalid apiVersion "" exit status 1
You might see this when attempting to sync crds or run helm commands in a run of plural deploy
. It's due to legacy versions of the aws cli generating deprecated kubeconfigs, if you upgrade your cli and rerun plural deploy
it should be able to proceed successfully.
Failed deploy model
Failed deploy model due to Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": Post "https://aws-load-balancer-webhook-service.bootstrap.svc:443/mutate-elbv2-k8s-aws-v1beta1-targetgroupbinding?timeout=10s"
The aws load balancer controller webhook is not fully reliable; if you see this error it's just a matter of recreating the webhook which you can do with:
kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfiguration aws-load-balancer-webhook -n bootstrap plural bounce bootstrap
Error acquiring state lock
Terraform acquires a state lock to protect the state from being written by multiple users at the same time. Please resolve the issue above and try again.
If your deploy is interrupted, it's possible terraform state gets confused. To fix this, you'll need to:
cd <app-name>/terraform terraform force-unlock <lock-id>
You should be able to find the state lock id from the error message. Terraform stacks for each app are located in a standard terraform folder each time.
May not specify more than one provider type
If you are running plural deploy
and encounter the error below there may be stale state from the previous install.
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "letsencrypt-prod" with kind ClusterIssuer: admission webhook "" denied the request: spec.acme.solvers[0].dns01.route53: Forbidden: may not specify more than one provider type
helm del bootstrap -n bootstrap plural deploy
Error reading route table association
error reading Route Table Association () : Empty result
This is a possible terraform race condition where the route tables think they're being read before they've been created, but in fact, they have already been created. As a temporary fix, just wait some time and rerun the deploy:
plural deploy
Cloud resource limits exceeded
It's possible plural will deploy resources that exceed your cloud limits. In general the most pessimistic of these are load balancer limits and VPC limits. Be sure you have headroom in both those dimensions. This can lead to terraform state corruption, in which case you'll need to do something along the lines of for all resources missing from your terraform state:
cd application-name/terraform terraform import path_to_terraform_resource resource_id
If you devise a better way to recover crashed terraform state, please give us a shout in our Discord. We'd love to automate this better.